Release in Full of All Claims Sample Clauses

Release in Full of All Claims. In exchange for a payment in an amount equal to $ , Employee, for Employee and for Employee’s agents, attorneys, heirs, administrators, executors, assigns and other representatives, and anyone acting or claiming on his, her or their joint or several behalf, hereby releases, waives and forever discharges the Company, including its past or present employees, officers, directors, trustees, board members, stockholders, equityholders, agents, affiliates (including, but not limited to, TDK USA Corporation and its affiliates), parent entities, subsidiaries, heirs, administrators, successors, assigns and other representatives, insurers and anyone acting on its or their joint or several behalf (the “Releasees”), from any and all known and unknown claims, causes of action, demands, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities and other losses that Employee has or may have against the Company or the other Releasees that relate to the Retention Bonus (following payment thereof) or Employee’s employment with the Company or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries or the termination thereof. By way of example only, and without limiting the immediately preceding sentence, Employee agrees that Employee is releasing, waiving and discharging any and all claims against the Company and the other Releasees under (a) any federal, state or local employment law or statute, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act(s) of 1964 and 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) or the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and applicable state employment law(s), including, but not limited to, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act or Government Code or Labor Code provisions or (b) any federal, state or municipal law, statute, ordinance or common law doctrine (including, but not limited to, breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, breach of fiduciary duty, wrongful discharge in violation of public policy, infliction of emotional distress, negligence, invasion of privacy, interference with contractual relationship, defamation and fraud); provided, however, that Employee specifically does not release any claims to challenge the validity of this Release under the ADEA or any claims that Employee cannot wa.

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Release in Full of All Claims. In exchange for the promises described in Section 1 of this Agreement, the Executive, for himself/herself and his/her heirs, assigns and personal representatives, fully and completely releases the Company and its parents, subsidiaries and affiliated entities and all predecessors and successors thereto, and all benefit plans thereof, and all of their respective shareholders, members, partners, directors, officers, managers, employees, attorneys, administrators and agents (each a “Releasee” and collectively the “Releasees”) from any and all claims or causes of action that the Executive may have against the Releasees, known or unknown, including claims or causes of action that relate in any way to the Executive’s employment with any Releasee or the termination thereof, from the beginning of time through the date the Executive signs this Agreement (each a “Released Claim” and together the “Released Claims”), including but not limited to the following:

Release in Full of All Claims. Executive, for himself, his heirs, administrators, representatives, executors, successors and assigns (collectively “Releasers”), hereby irrevocably and unconditionally releases, acquits and forever discharges the Company or any of its parents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates and related entities and their current and former directors, officers, shareholders, trustees, employees, consultants, independent contractors, representatives, agents, servants, successors and assigns and all persons acting by, through or under or in concert with any of them (collectively “Releasees”), from all claims, rights and liabilities up to and including the date of this Release arising from or relating to Executive’s employment with the Company, its subsidiaries, and affiliates or the termination thereof and from any and all charges, complaints, claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, controversies, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts and expenses of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected (“Claims”). Executive acknowledges that the Claims released under this paragraph might arise under many different foreign, domestic, national, state, or local laws (including statutes, regulations, other administrative guidance, and common law doctrines), including, but not limited to, the following:

Release in Full of All Claims. In exchange for the Severance and other good and valuable consideration as provided in accordance with the terms of the Employment Agreement, Employee, for himself, his agents, attorneys, heirs, administrators, executors, assigns, and other representatives, and anyone acting or claiming on his or their joint or several behalf, hereby releases, waives, and forever discharges the Company, including its past or present employees, officers, directors, managers, trustees, board members, stockholders, agents, affiliates, parent entity(ies), subsidiaries, successors, assigns, and other representatives, and anyone acting on their joint or several behalf (the “Releasees”), from any and all known and unknown claims, causes of action, demands, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, or other losses arising on or prior to the date Employee signs this Release, including, but not limited to, those that in any way arise from, grow out of, or are related to Employee’s employment with the Company or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries or the termination thereof. By way of example only and without limiting the immediately preceding sentence, Employee agrees that he is releasing, waiving, and discharging any and all claims against the Company and the Releasees under (a) any federal, state, or local employment law or statute, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act(s) of 1964 and 1991, Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1870, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (the “ADEA”), the Family and Medical Leave Act (the “FMLA”), the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act(“WARN”), the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (the “USERRA”), applicable state civil rights law(s), or (b) any federal, state or municipal law, statute, ordinance or common law doctrine regarding (i) the existence or breach of oral or written contracts of employment, (ii) negligent or intentional misrepresentations, (iii) promissory estoppel, (iv) interference with contract or employment, (v) defamation or damage to business or personal reputation, (vi) assault and battery, (vii) negligent or intentional infliction of emotional distress, (viii) unlawful discharge in violation of public policy, (ix) discrimination, (x) retaliation, (xi) wrongful discharge, (xii) harassment, (xiii) whistleblowing, (xiv) breach of implied covenant of good faith, or (xv) cl.

Release in Full of All Claims. In exchange for the promises described in Section 3 of this Agreement, Employee, for himself and his heirs, assigns and personal representatives, fully and completely releases the Company and its parent, subsidiary and affiliated entities and all predecessors and successors thereto, and all benefit plans thereof, and all of their shareholders, members, partners, officers, directors, managers, employees, attorneys, administrators and agents (collectively “Company Releasees”) from any and all claims or causes of action that Employee may have against the Company Releasees, known or unknown, including claims or causes of action that relate in any way to the Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated January 1, 2012, by and between Employee and the Company (“Employment Agreement”), Employee’s employment with any Company Releasee or the termination thereof, from the beginning of time through the date of execution of this Agreement (“Released Claims”), including but not limited to the following:

Release in Full of All Claims. (a) Executive acknowledges, understands and agrees that (i) he has no knowledge (actual or otherwise) of any complaint, claim or action that he may have against Employer and its owners, stockholders (only in their capacity as such), predecessors, successors, assigns, directors, officers, employees, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates (and directors, officers and employees of such companies, divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates) and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them (collectively, the “Releasees”), or any of them; (ii) Executive hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives, releases, settles (gives up), acquits and forever discharges the Releasees from any and all charges, complaints, claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, controversies, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs actually incurred) of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, including, but not limited to, any claims for salary, salary increases, alleged promotions, expanded job responsibilities, constructive discharge, misrepresentation, bonuses, equity awards of any kind, severance payments, unvested retirement benefits, vacation entitlements, benefits, moving expenses, business expenses, attorneys’ fees, any claims which he may have under any contract or policy (whether such contract or policy is written or oral, express or implied), rights arising out of alleged violations of any covenant of good faith and fair dealing (express or implied), any tort, any legal restrictions on Employer’s right to terminate employees, and any claims which he may have based upon any Federal, state or other governmental statute, regulation or ordinance, including, without limitation, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1967, as amended, the Federal Age Discrimination In Employment Act of 1967, as amended (“ADEA”), the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”), the American with Disabilities Act, as amended (“ADA”), the Civil Rights Act of 1991, as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, as amended (“OWBPA”), the Worker Adjustment Retraining and Notification Act, as amended (“WARN”), the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (“OSHA”), the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended (“FMLA”), the New York State Human Rights Law, as amended, the New Yor...

Release in Full of All Claims. In exchange for the consideration set forth in the Agreement, the Executive, for himself, his agents, attorneys, heirs, administrators, executors, assigns, and other representatives, and anyone acting or claiming on his or her or their joint or several behalf, hereby releases, waives, and forever discharges the Company, including its past or present executives, officers, directors, trustees, board members, members, agents, affiliates, parent corporation(s), subsidiaries, successors, assigns, and other representatives, and anyone acting on their joint or several behalf (the “Releasees”), from any and all known and unknown claims, causes of action, demands, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, or other losses that in any way arise from, grow out of, or are related to the Executive’s employment with the Company or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries or the termination thereof. By way of example only and without limiting the immediately preceding sentence, the Executive agrees that he or she is releasing, waiving, and discharging any and all claims against the Company and its Releasees under (a) any federal, state, or local employment law or statute, including, but not limited to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act(s) of 1964 and 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Older Workers’ Benefit Protection Act, applicable state civil rights law(s) or (b) any federal, state or municipal law, statute, ordinance or common law doctrine regarding (i) the existence or breach of oral or written contracts of employment, (ii) negligent or intentional misrepresentations, (iii) promissory estoppel, (iv) interference with contract or employment, (v) defamation or damage to business or personal reputation, (vi) assault and battery, (vii) negligent or intentional infliction of emotional distress, (viii) unlawful discharge in violation of public policy, (ix) discrimination, (x) retaliation, (xi) wrongful discharge, (xii) harassment, (xiii) whistleblowing, or (xiv) breach of implied covenant of good faith. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Executive will not give up his right to any benefits to which he is entitled under any tax-qualified retirement plan of the Company or the Company’s group life insurance plan or his rights, if any, under Part 6 of Subtitle B of Title 1 of the Executive Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.

Release in Full of All Claims. (a). Subject to the Company's performance of all of its obligations under paragraph 2. of this Agreement, Executive, for himself, his agents, attorneys, heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns, and anyone acting or claiming on his joint or several behalf, hereby releases, waives, forever discharges, and covenants never to sue xxe Company or its past or present officers, directors, stockholders, agents, affiliates, parent corporation(s), subsidiaries, successors, and assigns, and anyone acting on its joint or several behalf, from any and all claims, causes or action, demands, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, or other losses that in any way arise from, grow out of, or are related to events or circumstances that occurred prior to the date of Executive's execution of this Agreement or the effective date of the termination of his employment, whichever occurs later, including but not limited to any matter related to Executive's employment with the Company or the termination thereof, or any claimed entitlement to additional compensation or to any bonus or stock option award, or the Severance Agreement or any prior agreements between the Company and the Executive. Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary herein, the Executive does not release or discharge the Company from its obligations under this Agreement or for any right Executive may have to indemnity or defense by or on behalf of the Company to which Executive is or may be entitled as of the date hereof or, if later, as of the Termination Date under the Company's Articles of Incorporation, Code of Regulations, the Executive's Indemnification Agreement with the Company or any state or Federal law or applicable policy of insurance, as a result of any acts or omissions of executive in his role as an employee or agent of the Company. Such Indemnity shall not apply to any action brought under this Agreement.

Release in Full of All Claims. Employee, on her own behalf and on behalf of Employee’s heirs, administrators, executors, agents, and assigns, does hereby forever release and discharge Employer and its agents, servants, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, members, trustees, partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, successors, predecessors, administrators, and assigns (hereinafter “the Released Parties”), from any and all charges, claims, demands, judgments, causes of action, damages, expenses, costs, and liabilities of any kind whatsoever. Employee expressly acknowledges that the claims released by this paragraph include all rights and claims relating to Employee’s employment with Employer and the termination thereof, including without limitation any claims Employee may have under the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Equal Pay Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended by the Older Worker Benefit Protection Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, the Ohio Securities Act, Ohio R.C. Chapter 4112, any claims against Diamond Hill’s 401k Plan, and any other federal, state, or local laws or regulations governing employment relationships. This Release specifically and without limitation includes a release of any claims for employment discrimination, wrongful discharge, breach of contract, or promissory estoppel, and extends to all claims of every nature and kind, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, presently existing or resulting from or attributable to any act or omission of Employer or the other Released Parties occurring prior to the execution of this Agreement. The Release contained herein does not apply to rights or claims first arising after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Employee is cautioned and encouraged to seek the advice of counsel of Employee’s own choosing before signing this Agreement.

Release in Full of All Claims. Executive acknowledges that, in exchange for signing and not revoking this General Release, Executive will receive certain benefits that Executive is not otherwise entitled to receive from the Company and which exceed amounts otherwise due to Executive if he retires on the Retirement Date. In addition, Executive acknowledges that other than the benefits set forth in, and to be paid in accordance with, the Retirement Agreement, as of the date on which Executive executes this General Release, Executive has been paid or has received all leave (paid or unpaid), vacation pay, reimbursements, compensation, wages, bonuses, commissions, incentives, retention awards, equity-based compensation and/or benefits of any kind that Executive is entitled to receive from the Company Entities and that are due to Executive. Notwithstanding the foregoing and except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, Executive’s rights, if any, to participate in and receive benefits from any retirement plan or health and welfare benefit plan sponsored by the Company Entities and Company’s Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan following the Retirement Date will be governed by the terms of such plans. Executive hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives, releases and forever discharges the Company Entities, including their past and present employees, officers, directors, managers, stockholders, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, , successors, assigns, and other representatives, and anyone acting on their joint or several behalf (collectively, the “Releasees”), of, from and for any and all claims, charges, actions, rights, causes of action, lawsuits, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses and demands of any nature whatsoever, at law or in equity, whether known or unknown, fixed or contingent, suspected or unsuspected, apparent or concealed, asserted or unasserted, foreseen or unforeseen, that Executive now has, has ever had or may have against the Releasees (or any of them) based upon, arising out of, concerning, relating to or resulting from any act, omission, matter, fact, occurrence, transaction, claim, contention, statement, or event occurring or existing at any time in the past up to and including the date on which Executive signs this General Release, including, without limitation, all claims arising out of or in any way relating to Executive’s employment and other association with the Company Entities and the termination thereof, and Executive hereby covenants that Executive.