8 motorcycle maintenance tasks you should be doing

man shining his motorcycle

For motorcycle riders, warmer days mean it’s time to ride. If your motorcycle has been cooped up inside a garage all winter, you know that there are a few things to do in order to get it ready for the road. Having a motorcycle maintenance checklist can help ensure that you don’t skip any steps.

Do motorcycles need a lot of maintenance?

The motorcycle driving experience is unique, but what about the maintenance? If you’ve been on the fence about getting a motorcycle, then you’ll be happy with the answer. Motorcycle preventative maintenance is typically much simpler than that of cars. Motorcycles are smaller, have fewer parts that are easier to access, and are resultingly much easier to maintain. One point of maintenance many motorcycles require that cars do not is the chain. And the type of upkeep tasks they share are typically easier on motorcycles. 1

Motorcycle maintenance checklist

Before you take your motorcycle out for that first ride of the season, use this motorcycle maintenance checklist to help keep yourself (and those around you) safe on the road.

    Start with fresh fuel 1
    If you didn’t drive your motorcycle all winter, the first thing to do is change the fuel. Gasoline gets stale when it sits in the tank too long. Use a siphon pump to get rid of any old gas, and then fill the tank with fresh fuel.

When should I service my motorcycle?

You want your bike to be ride-ready at all times! So how often should you service your motorcycle? You’ll need to change your oil and check your chain on a regular basis - every 6 months or 4,000 miles.

Your tire pressure should be checked more frequently, at least once a month. In the longer-term, you’ll need to tune your carburetor and flush your cooling system (if you have a water-cooled engine) every two years or so. You can do much of this maintenance yourself for lower cost, however some may prefer to let an expert handle it. A professional should also be consulted if more severe issues like engine trouble emerge. 3

Motorcycle maintenance is an important part of staying safe on the road

Following this motorcycle safety inspection checklist helps ensure your bike is ready to take on the road. Without a helpful service checklist to refer to, properly maintaining your bike over time can become more difficult. More so, not having a well-cared for motorcycle on the road becomes less safe for you and those around you.

Before you take to the road, make sure you have a motorcycle insurance policy that meets your needs. Learn more about coverage options and get a quote today.